Merry Christmas from Poland
Merry Christmas from Poland
Opublikowany 2010-11-30 16:35:34 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 20
Wideokonferencja 2010
Opublikowany 2010-12-15 16:54:37 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 23
Buon Natale
Buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo!
Opublikowany 2010-12-21 08:23:38 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 26
Eguberri On
Eguberri On!
Opublikowany 2010-12-21 08:26:15 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 27
Skating in SP Lubsza
Opublikowany 2011-02-01 17:09:49 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 31
Best wishes from Poland!
Opublikowany 2011-02-09 15:21:14 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 32
School Savings Bank
School Savings Bank
Students of our school regularly save money in the School Savings Bank for several years.
The class teacher takes care of the savings. During the school year, teachers organize many competitions and the incentives for savings to be attended by students, such as collection of recyclable materials.
Pupils learn about banking and financial terminology, perform calculations and charts savings using computers.Students spend their savings on school trips, trips to the swimming pool lessons, theater or cinema. At the end of the year the chronicle is done.
We participate in a national contest of saving, since 2003, our school took first place twice and received valuable prizes: computer equipment and television set that we use in the teaching process.
We encourage students and teachers in partner schools to take similar action.
Opublikowany 2011-04-13 15:55:45 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 50
Music poster
Afetr visiting a theatre in Gliwice ( Gliwicki Teatr Muzyczny), when we watched „High School Musical”, students made a poster. They liked the musical very much so they used the oryginal poster as a base.
They admired dancers and singers. Some of our students also dream to be famous artist !
Opublikowany 2011-06-25 14:48:56 Id autora=64 Id wpisu = 66
Uczniowie wykonywali zakładki do lektur szkolnych oraz swoich ulubionych książek.
Students made bookmarks that are very helpful when they are readnig.
Opublikowany 2011-10-05 13:10:49 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 67
Can you hear me? Merry Christmas!
On 14th December we organised videoconferencing. The topic was Christmas of course.
We talked about our traditions, read „Christmas Tale” and sang carols in English or our national languages.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
Opublikowany 2012-01-09 21:09:18 Id autora=64 Id wpisu = 79
Pen pals
During school year 2011/2012 we continued writing traditional letters and cards.
Sometimes they were handmade, sometimes bought in our countries.
We always enjoyed getting them !
Opublikowany 2012-01-09 21:24:28 Id autora=64 Id wpisu = 80
Online learning resources
Online learning resources
Great educational resources for teachers and students at:
Świetne zasoby edukacyjne dla uczniów i nauczycieli na stronie:
Opublikowany 2012-01-24 08:15:26 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 81
Happy Easter!
Wishing you a season bright with beauty and warmth, and an Easter filled with happiness and joy. Happy Easter!
La bianca colomba pasquale porti tanta pace in tutti i cuori. Buona Pasqua.
Felices Pascuas
Opublikowany 2012-04-05 08:02:06 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 89
School Savings Bank
Students of our school regularly save money in the School Savings Bank for several years.
The class teacher takes care of the savings. During the school year, teachers organize many competitions and the incentives for savings to be attended by students, such as collection of recyclable materials.
Pupils learn about banking and financial terminology, perform calculations and charts savings using computers.Students spend their savings on school trips, trips to the swimming pool lessons, theater or cinema. At the end of the year the chronicle is done.
We participate in a national contest of saving, since 2003, our school took first place twice and received valuable prizes: computer equipment and television set that we use in the teaching process.
We encourage students and teachers in partner schools to take similar action.
Opublikowany 2012-04-25 05:09:05 Id autora=62 Id wpisu = 95