Partners schools

Txomin Agirre Ikastola

Our school is situated on the north coast of Spain in the Basque Country, with pupils aged from 0 to 16 in which Basque is the official teaching language even if all our pupils also speak Spanish. The town, Ondarroa, is mainly dedicated to fishing and canning industry that is suffering a hard situation because of the over exploitation of the seas. In the last decade migrant rates have increased a lot due to south American and African people so we have to face a hard task to integrate them in our school system and attend their needs. We are very concerned about the importance of the multiple intelligences and the use of them to educate our pupils to the new needs of the 21st century society. Our school has done a research about multiple intelligences and has attended meetings organized by leading schools at this area in Spain such as the Colegio Montserrat. We will try to do all that is in our hands to make our pupils more autonomous, concerned and ready to learn individually and in groupand owners of a wider knowledge. So, we think that this project will be a great opportunity for us share our experiences and improve.

Txomin Agirre Ikastola

Opublikowany 2010-10-06 16:15:43 Id wpisu = 4

Istituto Comprensivo Senigallia Nord – Mercantini Italy

Our Organization is a wide Institute which is compound of  four Infant Schools, four Primary Schools and a Secondary School of first level.
Some of these schools are set in the northern part of the town, others are set in the districts and first suburbs. Some students live in urban area, others in country or suburban areas. They come from  mixed social and economic background.
Most children are Italian, but we have 10% of students from other countries, especially from the Middle East and China. The school improves their integration facilitating the communication and the relationship in the classes.
Some children with special needs are integrated in the ordinary classes and follow a personal educational planning.
In this variegated milieu, the Comenius project can be structured and differentiated to enable all children to benefit.Through the project all children can:
– be encourage to respect themselves and the others,
-feel part of a common citizenship and enlarge the European and intercultural dimension,
-get in touch with differences and similarities which increase interest and respect among cultures and countries,
-improve the study of the second language and the use of technology, which become real needs to communicate.
Moreover the teachers have the chance to visit the partner schools and know educational system and teaching styles.
Such fundamental topics make the Comenius project well integrated in the schools curriculum: its values and competence can be shared by all the students of every age. It is a mean to foster the Continuity in education from Infant School to Secondary of first level School.

Istituto Comprensivo Senigallia Nord – Mercantini Italy

Opublikowany 2010-10-06 16:19:31 Id wpisu = 5

Berry Hill Primary School UK

a) Berry Hill is a fairly settled , rural community with a significant number of families who have long, historic links with the school and area.
– The catchment is from fairly mixed housing of council and privately owned accommodation.
– The vast majority of the children are White/British with one Chinese family.  
– The majority of pupils come from households where few adults have experienced higher education, this is much lower than the national average.  
– The children tend to have very stereotypical views of people from other countries, religious beliefs etc. because of their limited experiences and the nature of the community they live in.
– There are 189 pupils aged between 4 years and 11 years.
– There are 7 classes and the children are organized in year group classes.
– 22% of our pupils are registered for free school meals, but we believe that many of our families are on the borderline of eligibility.
– There are 33% children on the SEN register
b) It is very beneficial to be involved in International projects and we feel that the Comenius project is well established into our School’s curriculum.  Being involved in these projects has enabled us to give our School Development Plan priorities and an extra dimension to the culture and ethos of the school.  This will be particularly relevant with this projects theme. We received the full International School’s award in October 2007 and are currently working towards our new application for this award.  We wish to sustain and further develop build our school’s International curriculum.
Throughout our current Comenius project we have had such a positive experiences in terms of teacher collaboration and the common desire to work together, that we are very excited about the plans to continue working together and are ready to commit to another project.  In light of this we also particularly value the professional development opportunities it will give the staff. In this project we would like to include the pupils in some of the mobilities.
Living in a rural community means that our children have limited access to the cultural diversity which exists in the U.K. let alone Europe, so this project will allow them to develop their understanding of what it means to be a European.

Berry Hill Primary School UK

Opublikowany 2010-10-06 16:23:01 Id wpisu = 6

Szkoła Podstawowa im. Józefa Lompy w Lubszy Poland

Lubsza is set in the south part of Poland in a rural area. Primary School in Lubsza consists of a nursery school (one group of children) and a primary school (six classes). It is situated in the centre of a small village with 1000 inhabitants.
The majority of pupils live in  detached houses,  some of them in blocks of flats. They grow up in multi-generational families.
The economic situation of pupils is diverse: usually fathers work in firms, run their own small business ( shops ), work in fields. Mothers stay at homes and they are housewives. Many fathers or even both parents emigrated abroad looking for a job. There are also some children whose parents are unemployed and resourceless. We have one child with mental disabilities and there are many pupils whose basic needs are not fulfilled and they do not get any help or support in education from their families.13 pupils have the statements of special need. 21% of our pupils are given free breakfasts and 23% of them get grants on clothes or books. 
With this project we would like to learn about different countries and cultures through experience not only from books and TV. Our school is a cultural centre in Lubsza and wants to give an example of a good cooperation among other nationalities.
Our goal is to share educational approaches and activities with other teachers to gain a status of modern and attractive school in our rural locality. We would like also to put into practice the theory of Multiply Intelligences that will help students to raise their self-esteem and teachers to be more creative and open-minded. 
Making friends with other Europeans will help teachers and pupils from our school to improve English language, strongly motivate them to learn foreign languages especially from the early ages and build their self-confidence.
Being involved in this project will help us to convince children and their parents that learning is both pleasure and useful.

Opublikowany 2010-10-06 16:26:18 Id wpisu = 7